Mrs Neelam D. Sabharwal,
IFS (Retd) – Former Ambassador to the Netherlands,
UNESCO and High Commissioner to Cyprus;
Associate Professor, University of Maastricht.
New Delhi, India
“I am moved by the purity of the purpose of this intellectual quest matched indeed by the extraordinary rigour and long years of study by this group of dedicated experts and scholars to establish the origin of zero in India.”
Mr Eric F. Ch. Niehe, LLM,
Former Ambassador of the Netherlands in India
The Hague, the Netherlands
“Of course I agree to join the Committee of Recommendation.”
Dr. K. Ramasubramanian
Professor, Cell for Indian Science and Technology in Sanskrit
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
“It is indeed a wonderful initiative to pool in resource persons from all over the world to look into one of the most interesting problems. Though the nut would be hard to crack, nevertheless when several minds, and various resources are put together, hopefully better understanding would emerge. I would be quite happy to associate myself in this project in an advisory capacity.”
Dr. Manjul Bhargava,
R. Brandon Fradd Professor of Mathematics,
Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
“I myself have been interested in this topic for many years, and would love to help in any capacity that I can – in particular, as advisor if that would be helpful!”
Prof. Mayank N Vahia,
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Mumbai (India)
“Zero simultaneously simple and complex. Its manifestation as a value place holder gives it a null value but placed on almost any other context, zero has profound implications that no other member of the number system can claim. It is a truly invented number as against all other numbers which were discovered in nature. It is therefore interesting and profoundly interesting to understand how zero came into being and how it went from culture to culture how it overcame resistance from different cultures as it moved. Zero has to be studied for its own identity.”
Dr. Amartya Kumar Dutta,
Associate Professor of Mathematics,
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
“I am happy to know about the research initiative on the origin of the zero digit. If it helps, I could be involved in a suitable advisory capacity.”
Dr Roger M. Cooke
Chauncey Starr Chair for Risk Analysis Resources for the Future
Washington DC
Department of Mathematics Technical University Delft
“I am happy to lend moral support to this proposal.”
Dr. Brian Rotman,
Distinguished Humanities Professor (Emeritus)
Department of Comparative Studies
Ohio State University
“Also, yes, if you want to put my name alongside the other supporters of your project then please go ahead. Good luck with it.”
Dr. Joseph Walser
Associate Professor
Department of Religion
Tufts University
“Yes, this project has my support. I will be very interested to see what you find.”
Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (autonomous.)
Narendrapur, Kolkata, India
“I will be only too happy to be a part of this project and I wish it every success.”
Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya
Resident Fellow
Centre for Modern Indian Studies,
Goettingen, Germany
“The Zero- project looks promising, and if you are still looking for an additional member of committee, I shall be happy to join.”
Dr. N. Mohkamsing
Humanities Faculty,
Anton de Kom University of Suriname,
Republic of Suriname, S.A.
“Congratulations with the launch of the project…I am pleased to be associated with the project and in particular the research aspect.”
Surgeon Commodore Bernard Fanthome (Retd)
Consultant Surgical Oncologist and Medical Director,
Ace Hospital, Pune, India
“I am delighted to be a member of the ZerOrigIndia Foundation’s committee of recommendation and wish the project a grand success.”
Dr. Amba Kulkarni
Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study,
Shimla, India
“It is really a great honor for me to be a member of this committee, in honor of my father’s memory, the late-Prof. Dr. A.B. Padmanabha Rao. Being a student of Mathematics, and with my interest in Sanskrit Studies, I’ll try my best to extend my help to the cause.”
Mr. Manjil P. Saikia
Research Fellow, Faculty of Mathematics
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
“I am very delighted that such a project is being undertaken and would love to contribute in any way possible. I wish the project success.”